KDD Workshop on Human-Interpretable AI

Held in conjunction with KDD 2024
Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona, Spain
August 26th, 2024
Call for papers deadline: June 14th, 2024

Introduction and Goals

As deep neural networks have become a fundamental building block in recent Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems, there has been a sharp increase in attempts to explain these notoriously opaque models. Human-Interpretable AI (HI-AI), a sub-field in explainable AI (XAI), is emerging as a promising direction where methods aim to construct explanations using representations that are aligned to high-level human-understandable concepts or symbols rather than low-level representations (e.g., pixels/saliency maps). This workshop aims to spearhead research on topics within HI-AI by:

  • providing a general overview of the key aspects of HI-AI to equip all researchers with the necessary background and definitions.
  • running a call for papers for researchers in fields related to HI-AI to present their works as part of our poster session and have the opportunity to include these works in workshop proceedings (details can be found in our call for papers).
  • creating a space for active researchers in HI-AI to share and discuss novel ideas through invited keynote talks and contributing talks from a selected number of accepted papers.

We welcome contributions covering novel post-hoc explainability or interpretable-by-design approaches and theoretical analysis of existing works. Additionally, position contributions speculating on the future potential of this field are highly encouraged. Finally, we welcome contributions from related fields such as ethical AI, knowledge-driven machine learning, human-machine interaction, applications in medicine and industry, and analyses from regulatory experts.

Key Details

The following are key details and dates for this workshop:

Attending the Workshop

The workshop is organized as a part of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) that will be held in Barcelona, Spain from Sunday 25th of August 2024 until Thursday 29th of August 2024. To attend the workshop you will need a single day registration for the day of the workshop (August 26th) or a full conference registration. Please look at registration details, including costs, on the official registration site.

We recommend potential attendees to register early to the conference as (1) the “early bird” registration price ends on July 10th AoE, and (2), if you need a Schengen visa, it is recommended to apply for this visa as early as possible to guarantee the visa’s arival before the workshop start date. Notice that you do not need to submit a paper to attend our workshop!

Keynote Speakers



We are proud and grateful to have the following organizations as sponsors of our workshop:

In particular, we would like to acknowledge that this workshop has been partially supported by TAILOR project funded by EU Horizon 2020 under GA No 952215. This workshop has also been partially supported by the Partnership Extended PE00000013 - “FAIR - Future Artificial Intelligence Research” - Spoke 1 “Human-centered AI”.


For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at human.interpretable.ai@gmail.com.