Call for Papers

In this workshop, we invite researchers working on topics related to Human-Interpretable AI (HI-AI) to submit short research papers (up to six pages) describing new contributions, position papers as well as already published paper in top conference of the field. Below, we describe topics within HI-AI for which we will accept submissions, as well as the submission format and instructions. Please read this page carefully before submitting to ensure your submission is aligned with this workshop’s objectives and guidelines.

Important Dates

Following are the proposed important dates for the workshop. All deadlines are due 11:59 pm Anywhere on Earth (AOE).

Please note that, given concurrent deadlines for other conferences and workshops, we have extended our submission deadline to June 14th, AOE.

Paper submission deadline May 28th, 2024 June 14th, 2024
Review period begins May 29th, 2024 June 15th, 2024
Review period ends June 30th, 2024
Notification of decision July 1st, 2024
Camera-ready paper due July 27th, 2024

Topics of interest

In this workshop, we welcome contributions focused on a variety of topics related to interpretability. The following is a non-exhaustive list of possible contributions. If you believe your paper is still related to interpretability, but it does not fit in any of the following topics, please send it anyway, we will then evaluate whether it may be still considered.

Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit short papers, limited to six pages excluding references and an optional appendix. Submissions include new research papers presenting novel findings and/or theoretical analyses, as well as position papers aimed at starting an active discussion on topics related to HI-AI. We also welcome summaries of already published papers from A-conferences and Q1-journals within the field.

The optional Appendix has no page limit, but we encourage authors to use this space sparingly. This appendix may discuss reproducibility details, proofs, pseudo-code, additional results, etc. Nevertheless, the paper’s main body (i.e., the first six pages before references) should be entirely self-contained, and reviewers may only read through part of the Appendix.

For papers presenting novel empirical results, we kindly ask authors to provide access to the code and data underpinning their work (when possible) to ensure reproducibility. All paper submissions should follow the CEUR-WS format of the HI-AI workshop that you can find here.

Review Process

All submissions will be peer-reviewed through a double-blinded process. Therefore, authors must ensure that their submissions are properly anonymized. To facilitate this process, we will use OpenReview to manage the submission and review process, guaranteeing that final decisions are made without any conflicts of interest.


All papers accepted for the workshop will be published on the official workshop website, ensuring they remain available and accessible beyond the duration of the conference. For authors interested in an archival version, arrangements have been made with the external editor CEUR.WS to provide this service. This, however, is optional, and authors may opt out of having their paper included in these proceedings if they wish to submit part of their submission to future archived venues. Furthermore, we will consider an extension of some of the top accepted papers for a special issue on the workshop’s topic.


For each accepted paper, at least one author must attend the conference to present a poster for the paper. Moreover, a small number of papers will be given the opportunity to be presented as a short contributing talk in our workshop. Please consider that KDD offer the possibility to participate only to the workshop by means of the one-day pass ticket. You will also have the opportunity to meet leading experts in the field who will provide different invited speeches during the workshop.